Goebel GmbH was founded on July 1st, 1979. The company is specialized in the development, production and distribution of all fixing products in the field of technical insulation and blind rivet technology.
Units 5 & 6, Woolsbridge Ind Estate,
Wimborne, Dorset,
BH21 6FA,
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1202 822200Products
Assembly and installation systems
Drill bitsRiveting tools, equipment and systemsBlind fasteners (rivets, rivet nuts)
Rivet nuts
Closed end rivet nuts (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Jack nut inserts (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Open end rivet nuts (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Quad nut inserts (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Rubber nut inserts (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Rivets
Blind rivet countersunk head (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Blind rivet dome head (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Blind rivet large flange - 16mm (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Break mandrel blind rivets (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Grooved rivet (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Hammerdrive rivet (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Multigrip rivet (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Peel rivet (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Rivet countersunk head (DIN: 661/ISO: 1051C)Rivet flat round head (DIN: 674/ISO: 1051A)Rivet mushroom head (DIN: 662)
Rivet round head (DIN: 660/ISO: 1051B)sealed rivet (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)Structural rivets (DIN: 7337/ISO: 14589)